Thursday, March 27, 2025
Friday, March 28, 2025
København V
Entrance opens 27 Mar 19:00
Starts 27 Mar 19:30
Ends 28 Mar 22:00
Organizer: Cap 30
*** Danish Below ***
FIMARA and Cap30 are thrilled to announce a two-day micro-festival featuring the New York-based trio Foster/Crawford/Sullivan Trio and the Danish horn trio Bloomers, alongside a selection of Copenhagen's most distinctive improvising musicians. The festival will consist of four concerts in changing constellations.
Foster/Crawford/Sullivan Trio, focuses on rapid gestures while maintaining an awareness of long-form development from a distinctly queer perspective.They avoid traditional climactic structures, opting instead for subtler forms of intimacy.
Bloomers (saxophonist Maria Dybbroe, trumpeter Anne Efternøler, and bass clarinetist Carolyn Goodwin) delves into the aesthetics of chamber music through a condensed and raw expression, creating vast sonic landscapes full of harmonies and textures. They have just released their debut album ‘Cyclism’, with each track dedicated to a historical event in the women's movement.
*This event is curated in collaboration with Anne Efternøler.
Line-up: Foster/Crawford/Sullivan Trio Michael Foster: tenor, soprano, baritone saxophones Webb Crawford: guitar, banjo, homemade instruments Joey Sullivan: drums, percussions
Line-up: Bloomers Anne Efternøler: trumpet Carolyn Goodwin: bass clarinet Maria Dybbroe: saxophone
About FIMARA FIMARA is an acronym for “For Improvised Music and Related Actions”. It is a concert series aimed at gathering improvisers and related artists from Copenhagen’s scenes and beyond. FIMARA focuses on improvised music and the potential interwoven musical expressions and/or boundaries, such as the so-called Free Jazz, Sound Art, and Noise. In the upcoming months FIMARA will organize a series of concerts and ad-hoc constellations at Cap30.
ABOUT CAP30 Cap30 is Copenhagen's smallest and most intimate cultural venue. A non-profit space experimenting with music, art, performances, talks, and much more. Doors open 30 minutes before the show and close when the concert starts. Entry after the doors are closed is not permitted. The restroom is on the first floor, only accessible by stairs
*** DANSK ***
FIMARA og Cap30 er glade for at annoncere en to-dages mikro-festival, hvor I kan opleve den New York-baserede Foster/Crawford/Sullivan Trio og den danske horntrio, Bloomers, sammen med et eksklusivt udvalg af Københavns mest markante, impro-musikere. Festivalen består af fire koncertsæt i skiftende konstellationer og finder sted på Cap30 i Kødbyen.
Foster/Crawford/Sullivan Trio (Michael Foster, Webb Crawford og Joey Sullivan) musicerer fra et queer-perspektivt med fokus på hurtige gestikulationer, men er samtidig opmærksomme på den langformede udvikling. De undgår traditionelle klimatiske strukturer og vælger i stedet subtile former for intimitet.
Bloomers (saxofonist Maria Dybbroe, trompetist Anne Efternøler og basklarinettist Carolyn Goodwin) dykker ned i kammermusikkens æstetik gennem en kondenseret, improviseret og rå udtryksform, der skaber vidtstrakte soniske landskaber fyldt med harmonier og teksturer. De har netop udgivet deres debutalbum ‘Cyclism’, hvor hvert track er dedikeret til en historisk begivenhed i kvindekampen.
Om FIMARA FIMARA er akronym for koncertformatet ‘For Improvised Music and Related Actions’. Et nomadisk format, der sigter efter at samle improvisatorer og kunstnere i diverse konstellationer på scener i og omkring København. FIMARA udforsker musikken og de mulige forbundne udtryk og/eller grænser gennem improvisation som den såkaldte Free Jazz, Sound Art og Noise. I de kommende måneder organiserer FIMARA en række koncerter og ad-hoc konstellationer på Cap30.
OM CAP30 Cap30 er Københavns mindste og mest intime kultursted. Et non-profit venue der eksperimenterer med musik, kunst, performances, talks og meget mere. Dørene åbner 30 min. inden et show og lukker, når koncerterne starter. Herefter er der ikke adgang til koncerten. Toilet på 1. sal. Adg