Onsdag 19. februar 2025
Onsdag 9. april 2025
Starter 19 feb 09:00
Slutter 09 apr 16:00
Arrangør: HOC OSLO
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Wednesday 19th February - Wednesday 9th April 20.19.30 - 20.45 Slow Flow and Yoga Nidra (Open level)
This is a gentle, slow and stretchy practice that will open up the body. WIth influences from qi-gong, you will softly energise the body through mindful movements, breath exercises and stillness. We will finish each practice with a Yoga Nidra (body scan) that will allow you to drop into another state of consciousness and deep relaxation where the seeds of intention may be sown. Come to this class to renew, restore and revitalise mind and body.