Lørdag 22. marts 2025
Starter 22 mar 20:00
Arrangør: Bar Brasil
Stockholm Carnival party 2025, the 30th edition
Stockholm Carnival firar i år stort 30-års jubileum!
★ 4 dancefloors, 120 artists, 7 DJ:s and 1600 Guests. – The biggest Indoor Carnival in northern Europe!
★ Samba – Brazilian Carnival
★ Soca – Caribbean Carnival
★ Reggaeton, Salsa and Latin Carnival
★ Cuban Carnival
Lördag den 22 mars – ÅRETS PARTY i Stockholm!
Fyra olika dansgolv med brasiliansk, västindisk och latinamerikansk karneval. Internationella artister flygs in från Rio de Janeiro och Europa och samsas under samma tak med dig, dina vänner och den svenska karnevalseliten. Välkommen!
★ Vi öppnar klockan 20.00 – "HAPPY HOUR" på dryck och mat mellan kl 20–21. Live "Samba/Pagode LIVE" från kl 20.30.
★ We open 8 PM – Special prices "Happy Hour" on beverages and food between 8–9 PM. Live music "Soul Samba Stockholm" from 8.30 PM.
Special cheaper ticket is availble after 24.00 = 265 SEK The venue is open until 03.00 (dance until the end on all dancefloors).
★ Carnival Queen: CAROLINA MACHARETHE, G.R.E.S. Unidos do Viradouro – Coming directly from the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!
★ Carnival King: SAULO JR, Brazil.
★ Front singer: EMERSON DIAS, Coming directly from the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! Also front singer in Botafogo Samba Clube (Winner of Copa Libertadores 2024).
★ Cavaquinho: DIGÃO DO CAVACO, G.R.E.S. Estácão Primiera da Mangueira – Coming directly from the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!
★ Bahia Carnival with: SÁTYRA CARVALHO, Brazil – Coming directly from Salvador/Bahia!
LINE UP (TO BE UPDATED …): Maravilha do Samba • Filhos do Samba • Samba Angels - Samba Show • Akanni CCD - Samba Show • Viva Brasil - Samba Show • Alegria do Samba • Sergio Molina Dance Club • Stockholms Steelband – SOCA ROOM • DJ Uncle Eric + Guests – SOCA ROOM • DJ L’Flow + Guests – LATIN ROOM • Rapson Soul / LIVE in CUBA ROOM • DJ Isra – CUBA ROOM • DJ Wes and Le Fox + Guests – BRAZILIAN ROOM
★ Venue: Münchenbryggeriet. • Address: Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2. • Subway: T-Mariatorget.
★ Advance Ticket: 395 SEK (Bought tickets are not refundable). • Entré kassa Münchenbryggeriet: 420 SEK.
★ OBS! Kommer du sent har vi en eftersläppsbiljett som gäller från kl 24.00 som kostar 270 SEK. Dans till klockan 03.00.
★ VIKTIGT/IMPORTANT: Biljetten gäller för garanterad entré fram till klockan 24.00. Efter klockan 24.00 gäller biljetten som vanligt men är det fullt så får du vänta i kön som alla andra tills det finns plats. The ticket is valid as garanted entrance until 24.00 After 24.00 the ticket is valid as normal but is it sold out you need to wait as all the others to get in.
★ Min age: 18 years.
★ Disabled access / Acess för funktionshindrade.
★ Producer and MC: Johan von Friedrichs / Bar Brasil Estocolmo.
★ More info? Send mail to: info@barbrasil.se
• Instagram BAR BRASIL: https://www.instagram.com/barbrasilestocolmo/
• Website BAR BRASIL: https://www.barbrasil.se
Bar Brasil Estocolmo – established 1993 – brings the Heat, the Soul and the Sound of Brazil to Scandinavia!
Support by Stockholms Stads Kulturförvaltning.
★ IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING BAG BAN • Based on the current security situation in Sweden, the Police Authority has decided on a ban on bags at major events in Sweden. The following applies: All bags will be searched and checked. Handbags smaller than 20 x 20 cm may be taken in. Larger bags can be left in the cloakroom for a fee. • Exceptions are only made for people who for medical reasons need to bring a bag in and handbags the size of an A4 sheet (20×30 cm). All bags will be searched