Torsdag den 23 januari 2025
Musikaliska Kvarteret, Stora Scen
Entrén öppnar 23 jan 18:30
Startar 23 jan 19:00
Arrangör: Musikaliska Kvarteret
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Barbora Botošová, a versatile violin virtuoso experienced in traditional and classical music, Balkan music, and jazz improvisation, comes from a family of musicians, paving her own path while representing the World Music and Ethno-Jazz genres Barbora's artistic ethos is deeply rooted in her family's heritage yet boldly ventures into diverse musical landscapes. Her ensemble, the Barbora Botošová Band, reflects this blend, celebrating a decade of successful presence in the Slovak music scene. Her work transcends traditional genre boundaries, embracing world music, Ethno-Jazz, classical, and beyond.
Her debut album, "Colors of my Soul," released in 2019, introduced her unique sound palette. This was followed by the groundbreaking "Roshambo" in Nov 2023, an album that redefines Roma music beyond stereotypes, mixing swing, čardáš, Balkan, gospel, and rock, all unified by the Romani language. Recipient of the prestigious Roma Spirit Award in 2023, Barbora's career is a testament to her dedication to musical excellence and cultural authenticity. Her work not only showcases her exceptional talent but also elevates Roma music to new heights.
18:30 Doors open
19-20 Concert
Barbora Botošová är en mångsidig violinvirtuos med rötter i en musikalisk familj, verksam inom traditionell och klassisk musik, balkansk musik och jazzimprovisation. Hon kombinerar sitt familjearv med innovativa musikaliska influenser genom sitt band, Barbora Botošová Band, som haft framgång inom den slovakiska musikscenen i över ett decennium. Hennes debutalbum "Colors of my Soul" släpptes 2019, följt av det banbrytande albumet "Roshambo" 2023, som omdefinierar romsk musik genom att blanda olika genrer som swing, čardáš och gospel. Barbora mottog Roma Spirit Award 2023 för sin dedikation till musikalisk excellens och kulturell äkthet, vilket också bidrar till att lyfta romsk musik.
Stora Scen, Musikaliska Kvarteret
Nybrokajen 11, 11148 Stockholm
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