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Entrén öppnar 07 mar 22:00
Startar 07 mar 23:00

Arrangör: Jaeger

Eliza Rose (Vinyl Set) | Simon Field | Blichfeldt | g-HA & Olanskii | Charlotte Bendiks

Eliza Rose is back at Jaeger, spinning it back to where it all started with a vinyl only set on this occasion. Basement hosts the Baddest Of Them All artist and DJ in – where else – the basement with Simon Filed and Blichfeldt. The multi-ward winning and chart-topping artists cut her teeth on the vinyl format and for this once-in-a-lifetime appearance she is going to get it all dusty again. Frædag’s g-HA & Olanskii collaborate with Basement for this unique night. 

#house #disco #ukg #funky #vinyl

Sauna: 22:00 - Charlotte Bendiks 01:00 - g-HA & Olanskii


23:00 - Simon Field + Blichfeldt 00:15 - Eliza Rose (Vinyl Set) 02:15 - Simon Field + Blichfeldt