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Entrén öppnar 24 maj 19:00
Startar 24 maj 20:00

Arrangör: Bomber Bar

The thrash tour of this year is here🤘🏻🔥🤘🏻Make sure you book this in your thrash calendar! We promise awesome evenings together with F.K.Ü. and Methane. See you all in the pit! This, by the way, won’t be a place for posers or wimps in general👊🏻 #clashofthrashsweden2025 #fkü #methane #mezzrowswedishthrashmetal #dreamtidemusicmanagementandagency #thrashhardneversurrender #onceathrasheralwaysathrasher #swedishthrashmetal #summonthydemons #thencamethekillling #reigningphoenixmusic #rpmroar

Framträdanden av FKÜ, Mezzrow