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Entrance opens 09 Apr 18:45
Starts 09 Apr 19:00

Organizer: Alandica

DENNA SUPERPROFFSIGA upplaga av THE ANIMALS turnerar med stor framgång över hela världen och har gästats av artister som Steve Cropper och Spencer Davis. Nu gör man ett turnéstopp på Åland och Alandica i Mariehamn, onsdagen den 9 april 2025.

VI FÅR HÖRA alla hitlåtarna som gjorde THE ANIMALS så stora även här i Norden: House of the Rising Sun, We Gotta Get Out of This Place, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood, Don’t Bring Me Down, It’s My Life, CC Rider och många fler.

LEGENDARISKA THE ANIMALS består av originaltrummisen sen 1964, John Steel, Danny Handley – gitarr/sång, Norm Helm – bas och Barney Williams – Keyboards

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, ett av THE ANIMALS största fan säger så här: "It was The Animals, not The Beatles or The Stones who were my favourite British Invasion band. "Their singles were the first full-blown class consciousness I'd ever heard". After playing a short burst of We Gotta Get Out of This Place, I have to confess: "That's every song I've ever written; Born to Run, Born in The USA, all of them". "Helping to spearhead the British Pop Invasion of the 1960s, The Animals, hailing from Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, were one of the most important R&B groups to emerge on the scene, influencing a new era of modern music along with the likes of The Rolling Stones."

Arrangör: Around the clock productions AB

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