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Entrance opens 20 Nov 17:45
Starts 20 Nov 18:00

Organizer: Barrling Agency

During 2017 more than 5000 people attended Janesh Vaidya’s motivational lecture in Sweden - Energize Your Life. (See the video from the lecture below.)

After the pandemic many people are searching for deeper connection with their inner selves which needs practical aid in a more focused atmosphere rather than merely an entertaining lecture. That is why, this year Janesh Vaidya has upgraded his most popular lecture, Energize Your Life, into a workshop,

In this workshop you will be guided by two experts in this field - Janesh Vaidya and Malin Barrling - the authors of one of the best sold yoga books in Sweden: Yoga is My Therapy.

Janesh Vaidya, MD of Vaidya’s Ayurveda Village in Kerala, South India is an inspirational lecturer and author. His seven books have published in Swedish and translated into nine languages. And Malin Barrling, Ayurveda Yoga Therapist who has been working with yoga for 20 years, creating individual yoga therapy programs to heal the symptoms of her clients around the world as well as educating students to become yoga therapists for the future aid for the humans to maintain a healthy life on this planet earth.

The spine of the workshop is how to unblock the flow of our life-energy by correcting our body postures. During the day and night (24 hours), we humans are naturally staying in three positions - standing, sitting and lying. Because of our modern lifestyle, all these three postures become unnatural which leads to incorrect body functions and thus block the vital energy in our subtle body.

The core motive of this three-hour session is to train each participant to correct their body postures and help them stand, walk, sit and sleep in the natural positions, and thus extend the benefits of yoga by practicing this ancient wisdom 24 hours outside the yoga-mat - while sitting in their office, walking in the streets, and lying on their bed.

Remember, our beauty and attraction is not merely depending on the quality of our skin or hair, but our physical posture. Because of our comfortable lifestyle in this modern times, our muscles are getting weaker every year and our body shows the symptoms of old age faster, which reflects through our wrong body postures.

When we correct the posture, we can stay healthy and attractive by letting the free flow of our vital energies through our entire body and stay energetic in all seasons and ages in our life. This 24 hour natural yoga practice will help all systems in our body, so we can maintain a smooth function, especially of our digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems, which is the key to our optimal health.

Think about how you could live your entire life with the right posture and thus maintain your youthfulness and energy from morning till evening, Monday to Sunday, January to December and rest of your life. Yes, it’s amazing! Isn’t it?


The first 20 booked in each city have the chance to win a 2 week health retreat at Vaidya's Ayurveda Village in Kerala, India. Motivate why you want to win and tick that you accept information from the organizer to participate in the contest. The winner with the best motivation is presented on-site during the workshop and the last day to compete is the city's workshop date (with reservation for sold out earlier). Note that the winner needs to be at the workshop to receive the price. Any Swedish profit tax paid by the winner. ———— The workshop is in English and no previous knowledge of yoga is needed.

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