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Pyrophorus och Encore bjuder in till en hejdundrans dödsmetallsmocka rätt i nyllet 25 april!

**** LOCH VOSTOK **** Born in the year 2000 out of necessity to create music that did not exist at the time. Refusing to stagnate. Unwilling to die. Combining raw beauty with complexity and finesse. Sometimes uncomfortable, but never boring. Harsh and soaring multi layered vocals. Pounding, complex and punishing rhythms. Shredalicious solos. Fat choruses and poisonous hooks. Among the members of Loch Vostok you will find musicians from a great number of active (and countless inactive) bands. Ranging from F.K.Ü, One Hour Hell and Farsoth, to The Murder of My Sweet, Sodomisery and Anima Morte (and many more). VIDEO & YOUTUBE SPOTIFY

**** MACHIAVELLIAN GOD (RO)**** ROMANIAN MELO-DEATH BAND. Machiavellian God is a melodic death metal band based in Bucharest, Romania, founded in 2017. With a unique manner of writing songs, combining elements from Doom, Black, Atmospheric, and others, all ingeniously layered over a solid foundation of melodic death metal, every song becomes a journey yet to be explored. Lyrically, Machiavellian God delves into intriguing subjects like philosophy, mythical stories, and ancient beliefs, perfectly complementing their music. SOCIAL MEDIA: SPOTIFY: YOUTUBE:

**** FAUSTUS **** År 2011 från de mittersta skogarna i Hälsingland grundades ett band vid namn FAUSTUS. Efter lite fram och tillbaka fann dom en solid line up att ånga på framåt. En demo och ett album släpptes med stor ambition. Strax efter, mitt under Covid-19-pandemin, så skrev FAUSTUS sitt tyngsta album hittills! Länkarna bjuder på ett smakprov på deras konstnärliga uttryck då nästa nivå för lyssnaren är att se bandet live! MUSIK & VIDEO SPOTIFY SOCIALA MEDIER

DÖRRAR 19:00 Onstage 20:00

Tunnelbana, Tvärbana, Pendeltåg, Sj, Flygbussarna, alla stannar 50 meter från ENCORES entre. Södra Station-Sundbyberg 13 min T-Centralen-Sundbyberg 8 min Odenplan-Sundbyberg 6 min