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Entrance opens 17 Oct 11:30
Starts 17 Oct 12:00

Booking of lunch and dinner theatre closes 2 days before the performance online. Please contact your dealer for late bookings. Menu:

A musical depiction of two young women's short but intensely fiery artistry. During their careers, Amy Winehouse and Janis Joplin succeeded enthrall an entire world with their peculiar and soulful musical expression. What they also had in common was the much-talked-about darkness and blues, but what else really united these two women and what their passion for music?

With a gentle narrative and with a loving approach, Saga interprets Eserstam and Åsa Granlund Jonsson together with the musicians Hans Ericsson and Mikael Johansson some of Winehouse's and Joplin's popular songs. In this warm musical narrative portrait, the ensemble gives the music a new and highly personal touch. Premiere October 2023.

Participants: Saga Eserstam, Åsa Granlund Jonsson Musicians: Mikael Johansson and Hans Ericsson

Part of the Storytelling Festival

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