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Starts 12 Sep 18:00

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On September 16, 2022, Mahsa Jina Amini lost her life after being detained by the Iranian morality police, who claimed that her headscarf, hijab, was not worn properly. This event marked the beginning of the feminist freedom movement–Woman, Life, Freedom in Iran.

To mark the anniversary, we invite you to an evening in the spirit of literature and music. Listen to a conversation about what has happened with the movement since the day Mahsa Jina Amini died, what the protest for women’s freedom looks like today, and if there are any possibilities for equal rights between women and men in Iran in the future.

The conversation will be led by Parvin Ardalan, human rights activist, journalist and board member of Swedish PEN, and she will be talking to Mahdieh Golroo, journalist and author, together with Justina, rapper.

The evening will also invite you to a music performance by Justina and readings of imprisoned Iranian writers, among others a text by Sarvenaz Ahmadi, Iranian translator who was arrested during the Woman, Life, Freedom-movement.

This program is made in collaboration with Swedish PEN and ICORN.

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